Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Identical - A Book for People who Want to Cry, or People who have a Sick Sense of Humor, Like Me

This is the first book I've finished by Ellen Hopkins, although I've had a few of her other books summarized to me by friends. Most of Hopkins' stuff, it seems, can be described by saying, "Everything bad happens to the characters, and they do a bunch of bad things to compensate" -- those 'bad things' mostly being victimless crimes like doing crack or bingeing and purging. This one is like that--spoilers ahead!

So you've got these twins, Raeanne and Kayleigh. Their dad's a judge, their mom's a politician, and she's running for congress so she has an excuse to get away from the family, since she's angry at her husband over a drunk-driving accident he caused years prior. While the girls' mother is out of the house, their father rapes Kayleigh, using her as a placeholder for his absent wife. The twins compensate by plunging into vice and self-destruction.

You'll never see the twist ending coming, even though it's an oft-used trope. I've read Fight Club, seen Hide and Seek, seen Sybil, and even written a little myself on the subject of D.I.D., and I still didn't see it coming.

Although this book contains some really disturbing events, there's humor in it if you know where to look...and if you can get past all the horrible things that are happening. Raeanne has this snarky, sarcastic voice that you can't help but giggle at. Well, I couldn't help but giggle.

But I think awful things are funny, anyway.

All in all, it was a really engaging read. I'd definitely recommend it to people...which I guess is what I'm doing now.

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Been a while...

But I'm back, eh?

Just checking in to report that Phenomenal Liar is making some awesome progress. Just sent the copyedits back in, soon I'll be getting the layout, and after that, it'll be off to the virtual shelf. In the meantime, I struggle with myself to decide how much I want to divulge about my next project...I don't want to say too much, just in case this turns out to be another one that just falls off my interest radar. But in case I end up finishing the damn thing, expect from me at some point a maybe novel-length story about:

A sociopath
Her quirky best friend
A genius
A sex addict
And a charming, vain sort of dude that half of readers will love and the other half will want burned alive.

Basically the same old shit I always write about.